Monday, June 3, 2013

What Does Fashion Mean to Me? 2 Years Later.

Well, it's been two years since I started this blog and even in that short time span, my sense of style has changed immensely. I hate to say it, but freshmen year, I was invisible. No body saw me or noticed the clothes I wore, I was a plain Jane to say the least.

Now I am proud to say that I've turned that around, I am no longer invisible and I am actually known amongst my peers as a "fashionista" if you will. I admit, I love this reputation and I don't plan on tainting it anytime soon. My style has grown from the simplistic skinny jeans and v-neck shirt every day to a true expression of what I am on the inside. Although I still love a comfy pair of jeans, I now frequent skirts, dresses and rompers in the halls of my school. I'm no longer afraid to stand out and accurately express myself through my clothing. I confidently wear what I want to wear, when I want to wear it, and where I want to wear it; things I never even dreamed of touching 2 years ago.

I am proud of myself for coming out of my shell, and learning that it is okay to be who I am and to not let other people judge me, especially because of the clothes I wear. Because who knows, other people may be thinking, "Wow, I like the way THAT girl dresses".






I'd really love to here from all of you about any fashion transformations you might have gone through! 

(All photos taken by me)

Fashion in Five Photos- Trend: Vintage/Distressed

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer Internship!

Hello Everyone!

So I have a really exciting update for you guys. Last week I interviewed for a marketing and communications internship at Hear & Now magazine for Girl Scouts. As it is one of my dreams to work for a magazine (especially fashion) one day, I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity and when it arose I embraced it with open arms. Well, long story short, I GOT THE INTERNSHIP!! I am so excited to be able to try out working in one of the environments that may become such a big part of my life and career in the next few years. During the interview they asked me how I would feel about blogging, I said that it was something I would love to do for them! It got me really excited to think that I could be blogging semi professionally. How exciting would that be?! Also, they asked me, if I would be interested in working in the fashion department, I IMMEDIATELY jumped on that and they absolutely agreed, based on my outfit. It was so cute and professional. I was so excited!! So I knew that the interview went well, but I was still nervous as to whether or not I would get picked to participate in the internship. BUT I GOT THE EMAIL TODAY! So it's all good and now I'm extremely excited for summer! I can't wait to get a sneak peek into the environment that might some day work in! Summer is truly going to be good. 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Summer Trends I Love!

A list of new and old summer trends that I'm currently obsessed with and WILL be wearing this summer!

  • Pink
  • High to low hemline on dresses and shirts
  • Sheer
  • Fedoras
  • BRIGHT colors
  • Pastel nail polish
  • High waisted shorts
  • Barely there make up (sun kissed cheeks and bright shadows)
  • Braided Buns and top knots
  • Lace
  • Maxi dresses

Friday, January 6, 2012

Magnificent Models: Karlie Kloss

Hello everyone, I think I'm going to be adding this new feature, Magnificent Model. It's going to be about all the latest models in the business. I hope it goes well!

One particular model that I've been seeing a lot of in the news and in the magazines, is Karlie Kloss! The young model of just 19 years old has shot herself up to the top! She's ranked as number 3 out of 50 models on the ranking lists of

 The young Missouri native has made her mark! Hopefully we'll be seeing much more of this beautiful lady in fashion shows to come! 

Photo and information all via: []

Trend Watch: Deep Side Part

Alright, so I personally love this hairstyle. I was never one for the center part. I love the side part because it's a fun flirty look, that you can still get messy and run your fingers through without worrying about messing it up. I rock the side part on a daily basis! To me it can give off a very professional and put together look, or it can be versatile by being a messy and sexy look. Have fun with this versatile look, I know I sure do!

Good Attempt? Think I'm going to try
it with a ponytail.

[Top photo via:]

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Trend Watch: The Peter Pan Collar

Alright everyone, I'm back with some new trends to report! A new trend that seems to be popping up everywhere is the Peter Pan Collar. It's a great way to add a whimsical or fairytale vibe to any outfit. I think it's absolutely adorable and is a funny girly look. Here's some fun ways to wear it!

Cute dress, working the plaid AND
a Peter Pan Collar

The look looks great with a sweater
and skirt too!

Make a simple dress that much

You can even add a collar to
dress up a fancier look

Another example of how the versatility
of a Peter Pan collar

I hope you all have fun with this trend. Comment below if you tried it and tell me how it went! 

[All Photos Courtesy of:]

Monday, September 5, 2011

Fashion's Night Out

Fashion's Night Out is thursday September 8th! Celebrate fashion! 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Fall 2011 Couture- Valentino

My favorite from the collection! (

If you haven't seen Valentino's Fall 2011 Couture Collection, you should definitely check out this link! I love every ensemble in it. Just looking at how the fabrics move down the runway and they just look... priceless.

Valentino is definitely one of my favorite designers. I hope that his fashion house will be around for a looooong time. 

Valentino's Life Story Might Become a Musical

Picture from article (

Oh wow! I was super excited when I read this article form Apparently people are discussing making Valentino's story into a musical! The article is short and sweet!

Valentino's Life Story Might Become a Musical

Are you guys excited?!